Shop / Disease Risk

Disease Risk

Learn about your genetic risks for various health conditions and diseases. Understand your predispositions and take steps for prevention and early detection.

DNA Alzheimer's Disease Test

Check if you have the APOE4 variant linked to late-onset Alzheimer’s disease.


DNA Hemochromatosis Test

See if you have the HFE variants associated with hereditary hemochromatosis.


DNA Narcolepsy Test

Check if you have the HLA-DQB1 variants linked to a 25-fold higher risk of narcolepsy.


DNA Cardiovascular (ApoE) Test

Check if you have the APOE variants linked to cardiovascular disease.


DNA Heart Health Test

Find out the genetic influences on your cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and heart health.


DNA Thrombosis Risk Test

Understand your genetic predisposition to abnormal blood clots.


DNA Osteoporosis Test

Discover if you have variants linked to an increased risk of osteoporosis.


DNA Type 2 Diabetes Test

Check if you have one of 40+ variants linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.


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